This site utilises some information which has not been independently verified (including opinion, anecdote and speculation) which has been sourced from Peak Iron, public sources and third parties. Further this site contains some forward looking statements, estimates, forecasts and projections that may be affected by inaccurate assumptions, expectations and estimates and by known and unknown risks and uncertainties, are predictive in character and inherently speculative, and may or may not be achieved or proved to be correct. The reader should not place reliance on such statements.

This site contains summary information only which is of a general nature and does not claim to be complete.

Peak Iron makes no representations or provides any warranties in relation to the accuracy, fairness, completeness or adequacy of the information in this site or the information upon which it is based.

Peak Iron, their related bodies corporate and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers disclaim all responsibility and liability for the information in this site (including without limitation, liability for negligence) or for any action taken on the basis of that information.